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Task and Action States

The state management feature in your configuration allows you to track the execution status of tasks and actions by defining a name for each task and action. This feature provides a way to check and control the flow of your operations based on the execution results.

State Variables

For each task or action, the following state variables are automatically set based on its execution, where <name> is the name you provide to the task or action:

  • <name>: This variable holds the current state of the task or action and can have one of the following values:

    • progress: The task or action is currently running. (This state is primarily for internal tracking and may not be useful in most cases.)
    • skipped: The task or action did not meet the when condition and was skipped.
    • done: The task or action completed successfully.
    • error: The task or action resulted in an error.
  • <name>.error: This variable is a boolean and is set to true if the task or action resulted in an error. It is set to false if the task was skipped or completed successfully.

  • <name>.reason: This variable contains the reason of error or skip.

    Error reason contains the thrown error message.

    Skip reason has one of the following values:

    • search: The searched value was not found.
    • prepend.ifNotPresent: Prepend was skipped because ifNotPresent was present in context.
    • prepend.exists: Prepend was skipped because the code was already existed in context.
    • append.ifNotPresent: Append was skipped because ifNotPresent was present in context.
    • append.exists: Append was skipped because the code was already existed in context.
    • replace.ifNotPresent: Replace was skipped because ifNotPresent was present in context.
    • replace.exists: Replace was skipped because the code was already existed in context.

Usage Example

Here's an example of how to use task and action states:

- task: fs
name: fs_google
label: Importing google-services.json
platform: android
- copyFile: google-services.json
destination: android/app/google-services.json

- task: build_gradle
fs_google: done

In this example, we have two tasks. The first task, fs_google, has a name assigned to it. The second task, build_gradle, uses the when condition to check the state of the fs_google task. It will only execute when the fs_google task is in the done state (completed successfully).