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Xcode Task Configuration (xcode)

Modify Xcode project

The "xcode" task is used to manage the iOS xcode project. This task allows you to specify which resources to add and where to add them, either to the root level of the iOS project or to specific target groups within the project.

Task Properties

task"xcode", requiredSpecifies the task type, which should be set to "xcode" for this task.
namestringAn optional name for the task. If provided, the task state will be saved as a variable. Visit Task and Action States page to learn more.
labelstringAn optional label or description for the task.
whenobjectVisit Conditional Tasks and Actions page to learn how to execute task conditionally.
actionsArray<Action>, requiredAn array of action items that define the modifications to be made in the file. Each action item contains the following fields:

Action Properties

Common properties

namestringAn optional name for the task. If provided, the task state will be saved as a variable. Visit Task and Action States page to learn more.
whenobjectVisit Conditional Tasks and Actions page to learn how to execute action conditionally.

The action item can take these properties based on which action you want to execute.

Add a resource file

addFilestringSpecifies the resource file to be added. It can be a string representing the resource file name.
messagestringA string that serves as the user prompt message when collecting input for file to copy. If provided, this message will replace the default message.
targetTargetSpecifies the target group within the iOS project where the resource should be added.

Target Property

Specifies the target group within the iOS project where the resource should be added. It can take the listed values.

  • root: (default) Adds the resource to the project root
  • main: Adds the resource to the main application group
  • Or target name or path to add the resource

Add a new target

addTargetstringSpecifies the target name to be added.
type"notification-service" or "notification-content"Specifies target type to be added. "notification-service" adds Notification Service Extension and "notification-content" adds Notification Content Extension.
messagestringSpecifies the message when requesting the target name from the user.

name must be specified for this action or you will get a validation error. This action will expose the variable which will hold the name of the target which was entered by the user.

For example:

# add a notification service extension 
# with the default name `MyNotificationService`.
# User can change this when running this action!
- addTarget: MyNotificationService
name: notificationsv # Give it a name
type: notification-service

# set extension version to same as main target
- setDeploymentVersion: $[IOS_DEPLOYMENT_VERSION]
target: $[] # use the name here

Add new capability to a target

addCapabilityone of CapabilitySpecifies the capability to be added
groupsArray<string>Required when addCapability is set to groups or keychain-sharing
modesArray<BackgroundMode>Required when addCapability is set to background-mode.
controllersArray<Controller>Required when addCapability is set to game-controllers
routingArray<Routing>Required when addCapability is set to maps.
targetstringSpecifies the target group within the iOS project where the capability should be added. Setting "main" adds the capability to the main target, otherwise defines the target name or path to add the capability to


  • push: Push Notification
  • wireless-configuration
  • app-attest
  • data-protection
  • homekit
  • healthkit
  • inter-app-audio
  • increased-memory
  • groups: App Groups. Additional groups field is required, check below.
  • keychain-sharing: Additional groups field is required, check below.
  • background-mode: Additional modes field is required, check below.
  • game-controllers: Additional controllers field is required, check below.
  • maps: Additional routing field is required, check below.


  • audio
  • bluetooth-central
  • bluetooth-peripheral
  • external-accessory
  • fetch
  • location
  • nearby-interaction
  • processing
  • push-to-talk
  • remote-notification
  • voip


  • extended
  • micro
  • directional


  • bike
  • bus
  • car
  • ferry
  • other
  • pedestrian
  • plane
  • ride-share
  • street-car
  • subway
  • taxi
  • train

Set deployment version

setDeploymentVersionDeploymentVersionSpecifies the version to set.
targetTargetSpecifies the target group within the iOS project where the resource should be added.


  • string: String representation of the version. Can also be a variable in $[variable] form.
  • number: Version number
  • (object):
    • min: Minimum version to set. The target version is set only if it is lower than this value.
    • max: Maximum version to set. The target version is set only if it is higher than this value.

Add configuration

addConfigurationstring or {file: string}Creates or updates xcconfig configuration file. It can be a string or an object with a file field that points to a file containing the code to append.

Add pre build run script action

addPreBuildRunScriptActionstring or {file: string}Adds a pre build run script action into shared scheme. It can be a string or an object with a file field that points to a file containing the code to append.

Usage Example

task: xcode
- addFile: "GoogleService-Info.plist"
target: root
- addTarget: OneSignalNotificationService
type: notification-extension

In this example, a resource and a new target, GoogleService-Info.plist and OneSignalNotificationService are specified for addition. The target field distinguishes the target groups within the iOS project where each resource should be placed.