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Shell Task Configuration (shell)

Run shell commands

The shell task type allows you to run shell commands.

Task Properties

task"shell", requiredSpecifies the task type, which should be set to "shell" for this task.
namestringAn optional name for the task. If provided, the task state will be saved as a variable. Visit Task and Action States page to learn more.
labelstringAn optional label or description for the task.
whenobjectVisit Conditional Tasks and Actions page to learn how to execute task conditionally.
actionsArray<Action>, requiredAn array of action items that define the modifications to be made in the file.

Action Properties

namestringAn optional name for the task. If provided, the task state will be saved as a variable. Visit Task and Action States page to learn more.
whenobjectVisit Conditional Tasks and Actions page to learn how to execute action conditionally.
commandstring, requiredThe process name to spawn. Command can have simple args, parser supports quotes. For more complex args, use args property.
argsArray<string>Array of args to be past directly to process.
cwdstringWorking directory to run shell. Must be relative to the project root. Default is project root.


Here's an example of how to use shell task in a configuration file:

- task: shell
label: Embedding assets
- command: npx react-native-asset
- command: some-command --some-flag "some literal args"
- command: other-command
- --some-flag
- "some \"complex\" args"

Specify name field for this action to expose the name.output variable which will hold the output of the process.


  # run command 
- command: npx react-native-asset
name: cmd_asset # Give it a name

# you can run another command if previous was success and output contains some value
- when:
cmd_asset: done
cmd_asset.output: # use the name here
$regex: somevalue
command: some-other-command

shell commands that are used in package integrations will always ask permission from user before execution. User may choose to skip the execution, so don't rely on it too much.

It does not ask permission when used in upgrade.yml.